Chemical Parks at a glance

In the centre of Europe

The unique and successful Chemical Park concept was developed in Germany in the early 1990s. Chemical Parks are professionally managed chemical and pharmaceutical sites. The chemical park operators offer investors a wide range of services. This enables investors to develop their business by concentrating on their core fields and using the exceptional infrastructure and shared services on chemical sites

The German Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry is the number one in Europe and the third largest in the world. Altogether, Germany has reliable raw material supplies, security of supply and a well-functioning value chain, including regional supply chains.

Located in the centre of Europe, German Chemical Parks provide exceptional conditions for your business investment or chemical and pharmaceutical production. The innovative strength of companies is high. Efficient production reduces costs

Germany has stable relations with other countries and holds a recognised position in the global economy. Moreover, Germany is a valued trading partner and a political mainstay in Europe.

Your advantages inside Chemical Parks in Germany

© Infraserv Höchst


In terms of sustainability, its research and implementation activities make the German Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry a global pioneer in sustainable production methods and in the development of environmentally sound products.

Huge investments are being made in innovative technologies and business models for the circular economy and resource conservation.

Sustainable factors such as energy utilisation through heat integration and energy are greatly important for Chemical Parks in Germany as integrated sites (known as “Verbundstandorte”) and help reduce operating costs.

Ideal Investment Environment

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries

German Chemical Parks are attractive for:

  • Packaging
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Polymers
  • Refinery/Petrochemicals
  • Specialty and Fine Chemicals

Chemical Parks also offer an ideal investment environment for small and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups.

Get a list of chemical and pharmaceutical industries

Regional Networks

The majority of chemical companies and chemical sites in Germany have merged to form four regional initiatives: ChemCoastCeChemNetChemCologne and ChemDelta Bavaria. The object of these initiatives is to support the chemical sites in their respective regions. They work closely with the governments of the German federal states, municipalities, universities and economic development agencies in public-private partnerships.

Available Spaces in Germany

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